EMPA PRINCIPLE #6: Working with Media and Social Media Providers | Liaison to Collaboration
Media agencies, journalists and those who work on social media to collect and create content, are our partners in disaster communication. We should move beyond liaison to develop trusted relationships and effectively collaborate to support, guide and empower those impacted.
Although these people are our partners, sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. How can we develop trusted relationships and effectively collaborate with them to support, guide and empower the community?
Dr Barbara Ryan, EMPA Chair, Facilitator
Dante Ceccon, Senior Producer, Seven Network
Chantelle Rule-Murphy, A/Executive Manager, Media Team, QFES
Ben Shepherd, A/Media Manager, NSW RFS
DATE: Wednesday 22 February 2023
About the presenters

Dante Ceccon is a news producer at Channel Seven in Brisbane. He mainly works on the 6.00 PM bulletin but also prepares the special reports. He drove Seven’s rolling coverage of the Brisbane floods last year and more recently produced the special broadcasts on the fatal police ambush shootings in Queensland’s Western Downs.

Chantelle Rule Murphy made her start in journalism at the ABC in Brisbane in the early 2000’s but quickly found a more exciting opportunity in the land of fire and emergency services. She has worked in Queensland’s emergency services media teams for more than 15 years and has led media and public information efforts for more than 30 cyclone events, as well as the state’s largest flood and bushfire disasters. Chantelle has worked at all levels of incident management from the frontline through to State Operations. She is currently the Acting Executive Manager of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services media team, which runs a 24/7 service for media and public information response.

Inspector Benjamin Shepherd has been a volunteer member of the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) for almost 30 years and a staff member since 2006. Inspector Shepherd joined the NSW RFS after experiencing the impact of bush fires on his local area in 1994.
In 2008 he commenced with the Media Services section in a temporary capacity. Since then, he has been a valued member of the team including as a Media Officer and most recently as Acting Manager of the Media and Communications section. He is the longest serving member of the media team.