Recordings and presentation slides will be made available to registered delegates following each webinar and then uploaded here for general access in a few months time.
Click on the webinar title below to access the recording and read more information about the sessions and presenters.
Wednesday 28 August, 10:00 AM (AEST) | 8:00 AM (AWST) | 12:00 PM (NZST)
Compassion in Disaster Management: The Essential Ethic of Relational Leadership
Should leadership minimise suffering?
Mark Crosweller argues yes: and he offers leaders, especially those in disaster management, a way to improve their ability to lead, serve, and protect others during disasters and crises.
Drawing upon his own experiences as a disaster management specialist as well as high-level interviews with disaster management leaders from the USA, Australia and New Zealand, Crosweller bridges theory and practice to achieve three objectives:
- To establish the political and socio-cultural context in which disaster management leaders find themselves when seeking to protect citizens and minimise their suffering and vulnerability.
- To provide an empirical account of how certain sociocultural influences affect their efficacy as leaders and that of their organisations, when seeking to improve well-being, provide protection, and reduce suffering and vulnerability.
- To propose a relational leadership framework centred upon an ethic of compassion, and supported by behaviours, characteristics, and practices that can guide leaders when addressing the causes of suffering and vulnerability across the entire disaster management cycle.
JULY 2024
Wednesday 31 July, 10:00 AM (AEST) | 8:00 AM (AWST) | 12:00 PM (NZST)
Severe weather triple threat and one voice – the Queensland experience
The Queensland Crisis Communications Network has been established to bring key government and stakeholder communicators together to provide a single point of truth during a disaster or crisis whilst also supporting those at the coalface in our most disaster-prone state.
Prue Laven, Penny Dahl and Lachlan Clark from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, and Chrissie McLeod from the Queensland Police Service talk about this EMPA Award-winning group at the July webinar. They’ll discuss how the CCN operates and the obstacles faced during the Queensland Government’s communications response to recent cascading disaster events.
The QCCN demonstrates the way the EMPA Principles provide a strong foundation for good emergency communication, especially #1 A seat at the table and #5 Creating networks.
APRIL 2024
Wednesday 24 April, 10:00 AM (AEST) | 8:00 AM (AWST) | 12:00 PM (NZST)
Using culturally appropriate communication to reach diverse communities
Dr Kate Delmo, University of Technology Sydney and Melinda McDonald, Fire and Rescue New South Wales, winners of the 2023 EMPA Australia Awards for Excellence in Emergency Communication for the Research category, will speak about reducing risk and increasing community resilience in culturally and linguistically diverse communities through culturally appropriate communication.
MARCH 2024
Wednesday 27 March, 10:00 AM (AEDT) | 7:00 AM (AWST) | 12:00 PM (NZDT)
How communicators’ experiences as survivors inform their practice
EMPA’s March webinar focus centres on how an individual’s life experience has shaped and influenced their role/career as a communicator.
The panel will include:
- Bron Sparkes from NEMA Australia (2009 Black Saturday Bushfires)
- Travis Green from Queensland SES (Mt Tamborine tornado, Christmas 2023)
- Luke Shelley from Australian Bureau of Meteorology (Cyclone Kirrily)
Our facilitator, Kathryn Ruge (EMPA Board) also has personal experience of various incidents, including the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
Which EMPA Principle? Approaches to working with communities in recovery
The EMPA Principles of communication in disaster & emergency aim to go beyond the one-line statements and offer insight into the context and guidance towards making the aspirations into realistic good practice.
The last few years have seen their fair share of disasters and recovery and situations that we are continuously learning from.
In February’s webinar we invite three guests to speak on Which EMPA Principle was most relevant or has been applied in their experiences of recent disaster and recovery.
The panel will include:
- Mark Trüdinger from Northland Civil Defence (Cyclone Gabrielle)
- Mike Wassing from Queensland Reconstruction Authority (Cyclones Jasper and Kirrily, SEQ storms and tornado – all since December!!)
- Christian Longobardi from South Australia Department of Premier and Cabinet (2022 Murray River flood)

Click the image above to read the full EMPA Principles document.
2023 Webinars
EMPA Principles #6: Working with media and social media providers
Getting to know NEMA Australia
In conversation with: Kjell Braatas
Revisited – EMPA Principles #6: Working with media and social media providers
Is the ‘Future Survivor’ the survivor of today?
The journey and story behind Me, Myself and Disaster
What we’ve learned from the Exotic Animal Disease Preparedness Report
NHRA Research: Community experiences before and after floods
Future focus of AIDR – Australian Institute of Disaster Resilience
2021 Webinars